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As we say, our children are our future. In order to do so, we will need our kids to function at their upmost potential.  Strong and conditioning has taken ample heat in the past due to poor interpretation of studies and media misinformation.  Recent decades have placed the notion of growth hinderance and injury potential caused by strength and conditioning at bay.  How J17 Fitness focuses on adolescent training is heavily evidence-informed.  We focus on creating adaptive changes in muscle physiology and technique first, before moving towards movement efficiency. The program is built around mitigating injuries for our children, and it is split into three phases.  Each phase will last 7 weeks and it is highly encouraged to have them attend the program three times a week. 

Course Content

Phase I: Basic strength development: this phase focuses on isolating various muscles of the body.  Children are still exploring movement variations, that means it is not refined yet, while they are still in the process of refining movement patterns, the best way to help in the beginning is to build as much strength as possible to allow them to mitigate injuries. 

Phase II: Force absorption: although kids are constantly jumping around, they are only limited to their own weight.  Chances of injuries rise when adolescents begin to enter their growth spurt.  In order to mitigate that, we need to teach them how to absorb force that is higher than their own body weight.

Phase III: Elastic energy: this is a fancy way of saying teaching them how to be efficient in elastic movements such as jumping.  In simple phrases, the more efficient our children is with their movement, the less chances of injury. 


Kids and teenagers

Course Highlights

To solve:

  • Poor posture including humpback and scoliosis during growth and development

  • Slow muscle development due to heavy schoolwork and lack of physical exercise, as well as spine and shoulder problems

  • Injurious constitution


J17 Sports Scientist Coach Shon

  • Correct adolescent body problems: humpback, round shoulder, high and low shoulder, adjust the scoliosis caused by living habits, develop a good habit of changing genes

  • The recovery of adult motor function and the improvement of comprehensive physical quality

  • Improve performance in various professional sports

  • Prevent injuries caused by intense training

  • Scientific data training, so that progress at a glance

Fashion Academy Collaborative Course - Posture Correction for Kids

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